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Drug Rehabs in San Juan Capistrano, CA

While San Juan Capistrano faces challenges with addiction and drug trafficking, there are many rehab centers nearby where anyone can find the help and support they need to overcome addiction.

Drug And Alcohol Addiction In San Juan Capistrano

hope by the sea in San Juan Capistrano

The nationwide Opioid crisis has created many problems for San Juan Capistrano and for all of California. In 2018, there were 2,311 fatal Opioid overdoses in California. This statistic shows an increase from 2017, when opioid overdoses killed 2,199 California residents. In Orange County, 249 people died from an opioid overdose last year and an additional 275 people suffered an opioid overdose and survived. Additionally, healthcare providers in Orange County in 2018 wrote almost 1,400,000 prescription for Opioids, a major contributor to the surge in opioid-related deaths which continue to afflict California and the country.

Official state data indicates that in San Juan Capistrano and in surrounding areas under the city’s ZIP codes, there were 11.97 fatal opioid overdoses for every 100,000 people in a give year, a rate which exceeds the average of 7.4 fatal overdoses for every 100,000 people for all of Orange County.

To help reduce the impact of opioid addiction, some Orange County residents have donated money and joined organizations to educate their community about the dangers of opioids and distribute naloxone to people who are most at risk for overdose. Naloxone is a medication which reverses the effects of opioids. Until a court ordered it to halt its operations last year, Orange County also hosted a public needle-exchange program to prevent people struggling with Heroin addiction from contracting diseases from used needles.

Drug Trafficking In Orange County, California

Unfortunately, many San Juan Capistrano residents struggle with drug addiction. In fact, from 2013 to 2015, 330 people in San Juan Capistrano were hospitalized for health problems related to drug and alcohol abuse. Since that period of three years, drug traffickers have continued to bring more illegal and addictive substances into the city and Orange County.

Fortunately, law enforcement works to prevent drug traffickers from profiting from the addictions of Orange County residents. For example, Orange County police arrested two drug traffickers in 2019 who were attempting to distribute 21 grams of fentanyl and over one pound of Methamphetamine. Additionally, in 2018, Orange County police confiscated 26 pounds of fentanyl, 68 pounds of methamphetamine, 88 pounds of heroin, and almost 3 pounds of Cocaine, a narcotics haul worth a combined value of $1.6 million. Many of these drugs would almost certainly have reached the streets of San Juan Capistrano if the police had not seized them.

Marijuana In San Juan Capistrano

Medical and recreational marijuana is legal in California. However, in San Juan Capistrano, city ordinances prevent the development of a local recreational marijuana industry. After the State legalized recreational marijuana in 2016, the San Juan Capistrano City Council voted to ban any marijuana dispensaries or commercial cannabis cultivation. Nevertheless, with a permit from the city, San Juan Capistrano residents can grow a maximum of six plants in their homes. While it is legal to possess and use marijuana in San Juan Capistrano, marijuana is still a potentially addictive drug which may inflict health problems and worsen behavioral disorders, especially in children and adolescents.

Find Rehab In San Juan Capistrano And Start Recovery Today

The San Juan Capistrano community understand the hardships of drug addiction. Fortunately, anyone can recover from substance abuse with professional and compassionate support at a rehab center. Through a combination of detox, inpatient and outpatient therapy, and education, the rehab centers in San Juan Capistrano help their patients everyday to take another step forward toward recovery and a sober life. For more information, contact a treatment provider today.

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