The most critical moments for an individual who completed treatment are the first few days, weeks, and months following it. Addiction is something that stays with a lot of people, and recovery is an ongoing process that will last a lifetime. The steps taken immediately following treatment can make a huge difference in permanently staying sober. Liberation Way offers an Aftercare Program to help individuals through this time period.
Aftercare Programs Vary
While the fundamental goal of aftercare is to prevent relapse, aftercare programs may vary greatly depending on the individual and treatment program. For some individuals, a weekly, counselor-led group provides needed support and referrals following the successful completion of rehab. These group meetings are an opportunity for individuals to form close, supportive bonds with both their counselor and fellow group participants.
Aftercare Benefits
By providing continuing counseling, support groups and transitional living, aftercare programs add an extra level of accountability that help prevent individuals from returning to old habits of substance abuse. Aftercare provides a safe environment for individuals to connect with recovering addicts, access to motivational speakers, practical guidelines for coping with stress and daily challenges, and the invaluable guidance of a sponsor.
Aftercare programs will also benefit family members and other loved ones. Aftercare services may include one-on-one counseling sessions for spouses, parents, partners and children. Group therapy meetings, as well as educational meetings about co-occurring disorders and addiction, providing important resources and support for families.
Creating The Right Plan
An effective aftercare plan must be tailored to each aspect of an individual’s life. This plan is typically the joint creation of an individual and their drug counselor or addiction specialist prior to discharge from an in-patient treatment facility. The complexity of this plan depends on an individual’s personal needs, the home and community to which an individual is returning, and the perceived risk for relapse. Chance is the enemy of recovery success, without a plan in place, it is all too easy to “slip-up” and fall back into old habits. Aftercare plans leave nothing to chance.
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