There are two significant types of prescription drugs that can be used in the treatment of opioid addiction. Opioid agonist medications and opioid blocking medications both play a part in assisting an individual in moving toward recovery.
However, with one medicine riskier than the other, it is important to consider the effectiveness of each treatment.
This post will analyze the effectiveness of different opioid shots and opioid blocker shots.
Opioid Agonists
Opioid Agonists are medicines that work by producing the same effects as an opiate drug would. They are used to ease pain and to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
They work by stimulating receptors in the brain to produce a feeling of pleasure. Though administered in small doses, opioid agonists can produce a partial or full opioid effect.
This makes opioid agonists addictive and there is a risk of those on opioid agonists becoming tolerant and psychologically dependent on the drug.
Methadone Shot
Methadone is considered an opioid agonist. It is a narcotic and pain medicine that interacts with the nervous system to relieve pain. A methadone shot is classified as a prescription medication that is commonly used to treat pain associated with substance use disorders.
It is also commonly used as a drug that is used to assist in the addiction detoxification process. A methadone shot is most effective when it is used in combination with other therapeutic methods such as counseling and a comprehensive treatment plan.
Methadone works by reducing the effects of withdrawal symptoms to ease pain and suffering. It does so without causing a pleasurable effect or a ‘high’ to reduce the risk of dependence.
However, as a narcotic, there is a risk of becoming addicted and dependent on methadone. Hence, it’s best used under the supervision of a care practitioner in a safe environment and a comprehensive medication-assisted treatment plan.
Opioid Antagonists
Opioid Antagonists are also known as opioid blockers. Unlike opioid agonists, opioid antagonists work to inhibit receptors to prevent the chemical reaction in the brain.
As a result, opioid antagonists prevent a high. People on opioid antagonist treatment are at a reduced risk of developing a tolerance to the medication as it doesn’t produce the desired effect and they are not addictive.
Opioid Blocker Shots
Opioid blockers are used as a treatment for easing the side effects of addiction such as cravings. They differ from opioid agonists as they don’t stimulate receptors in the brain.
A popular opioid blocker is naltrexone which is commonly used in the recovery process to help individuals maintain sobriety. Its ability to reduce cravings helps ease withdrawal symptoms to make the recovery process easier for long-term success.
Naltrexone is a popular opioid blocker that comes in the form of a shot more commonly known by the brand name Vivitrol. This shot is given to patients monthly after they have completed a detoxification process.
The Vivitrol injection is considered to be an effective form of administration in comparison to a tablet because it makes it easier for those who can’t take tablets or struggle to stick to a regime.
Another opiate blocker shot is Naloxone. This antagonist drug is also commonly known by the brand name Narcan. Narcan is used as a shot that’s administered during a medical emergency.
Unlike Naltrexone, Narcan is not used as a medicine for treatment during the recovery process, instead, it is used as a medicine that works to reverse the effects of an overdose.
It does this by attaching itself to opioid receptors in the body and works to block the effects of the other substances present in the body.
This is an effective medicine for a relapse that has resulted in an overdose. However, once injected, an individual will begin to experience symptoms associated with withdrawal.
Suitable Shots For Heroin Addiction
Opioid substances, such as heroin, work by latching themselves to the brain’s pleasure and pain receptors. This results in a chemical reaction that presents a feeling of pleasure or euphoria.
The effect of euphoria is what causes many to misuse the substance and abuse it. The result of using the substance in excess leads to addiction and dependence.
Methadone is an effective treatment when it comes to easing pain associated with substance abuse. Methadone shots are commonly used as a pain relief medication that assists in the treatment of opioid addiction.
It’s often administered to those who cannot take oral medication.
Vivitrol Vs Methadone
Vivitrol is a drug that is commonly prescribed for assisting in the treatment of opioid addiction. It is classified as an opioid blocker that works to reduce symptoms of craving caused by withdrawal. It is commonly used as an important part of a recovery plan.
However, it’s most effective when it is used in conjunction with other therapeutic methods including counseling. As a non-narcotic and non-addictive medicine, it is considered to be safer and less risky in the use of recovery treatment.
However, it is advised that Vivitrol only be used after a full detoxification process as interaction with other substances may result in experiencing uncomfortable side effects and health complications.
Methadone also stands as an effective medicine to use in the treatment of opioid addiction.
However, unlike Vivitrol, the drug is most effective when used during the detoxification process as it helps to reduce pain and symptoms of withdrawal.
However, as methadone produces partial opioid effects, it is considered a risk for the development of tolerance and dependence.
So it’s clear that there are significant differences between opiate agonists and antagonists. However, each stands to be effective in different areas of opioid addiction recovery and each carries different risks.
The administration of the two types of treatment is to be decided by a medical practitioner. Substance use disorder is a spectrum and the journey will be experienced differently for each individual who suffers from it.
Hence, the treatment available will need to be tailored to individual circumstances for the best results.
Don’t let fear stop you from finding the solution to addiction. Call 877-636-9322 now, and get the help you deserve.